Drones were once thought to be years away, but are now increasing in numbers. From cutting-edge real estate tours to crop surveillance, many businesses are investing in drones to assist with day-to-day operations. Drones can offer business owners a real competitive advantage within their industry. 
The Benefits of Having a Drone
More and more, operating a business is becoming increasingly challenging. Fewer barriers to entry make earning more money harder each day. With increased competition, many businesses are forced to reduce costs in every aspect of their business. Many businesses find that drones are a great way for them to be competitive, without adding an annual salary to their books. Drones are also capable of capturing images and other content in potentially dangerous places, helping employers keep their employees safe.
How Drones Can Create Liability Problems
Everything isn’t all roses when it comes to using drones for business operations. While in use, drones can cause accidents and injuries, exposing your business to potential liabilities. For instance, a drone taking surveillance pictures could fall from the sky and strike someone in the head down below. Without the proper general liability insurance, how would your business cover the costs of the damages?
General Liability Insurance and Drones
There are many forms of business insurance. Whether you need insurance for a car or for your business property, you won’t have trouble finding an insurance solution that is perfect for you. Although drones are new technology, and many insurance providers may not have a tailor-made insurance product specifically for drones, general liability insurance may help you with liability issues involving drones.
Loosely speaking, general liability insurance helps businesses cover the costs when management or employees are found liable for an act that caused another to be harmed. A business drone that injures someone while being used for commercial purposes may help you cover court and settlement costs.
If you are considering using a drone in your business, contact your licensed insurance representative to inquire about coverage. Just like cars, accidents stemming from the use of this technology can create a legal nightmare that may cost you handsomely. Fortunately, you can minimize your exposure by partnering with an insurance agent who provides general liability insurance.
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