Architects and Engineers
There are several areas where American Insurance has developed unique insurance expertise. We are pleased to offer specialized and advanced services to these industries. The value added services we provide will make a difference to your business.
Design Conference

Architects and Engineers
Nobody knows the needs of design professionals better than we do. We have over 35 years of specialized experience in the industry. In addition to assisting you with critical insurance coverages such as Professional Liability and Environmental Liability, our agents are pleased to offer the following services.
Education Seminars - We are available to come to your office and instruct your staff on issues related to improving risk management practices. Educational programs are also available online and through webinars. Some of these seminars qualify for Continuing Education credits or discounts in your insurance premiums.
Contract Review - We can help you to identify and implement favorable language in your contracts. We can also review client-prepared contracts and help you to negotiate terms that protect your interests.
Loss Prevention - We can assist in identifying areas where you can reduce the possibility of a claim - which will also reduce the likelihood of your paying a deductible. Over time, this can decrease your insurance premiums and improve your client relationships.
We are also actively involved with associations such as the American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and Professional Liability Agents Network (PLAN).
Give us a call today to discuss the expertise we can provide as a partner to your business.